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Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Just an Update

I know that I haven't posted anything in months. You can thank my bipolar for that. However, if it's any consolation (which I feel it isn't, given this has been a thing for years now), I'll still be doing Decemystery. God willing, 2025 won't treat me like the past two years have. If it does, I'm going to start thinking my bipolar is tied to a cycle where the first 6–8 months suck while the final 4–6 months don't.

Regardless, I'm sincerely sorry for not doing this sooner. I've felt ashamed and tired from everything that has gone on. I hope and pray that I can live something of a normal life starting next year. If I can't... well, at least I always have Decemystery to look forward to.

    Sincerely, Vertigo